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Quick summary: My Bluesky is the place where I post my work and where I interact the most. My Ao3 is where I post my writing. My Tiktok is where I post some of my art and animations, most of which follow the trending. My Youtube is where I post only my best animations and voiceovers and also some random videos of games and my life. My Tumblr is where I post only my artwork that I think is good.

A b o u t   t h e   a r t i s t

Hello, first of all I'd like to say that my real name isn't Nikki. The idea for my username “nikkistarnet”' comes from Yume Nikki (a game I played at the time) + Star (star/celebrity) + Net (short for internet), making nikkistarnet (Nikki internet star xD).

Well, about me, I'm a self-trained artist, a casual writer and an amateur voice actor. I don't want to brag, but I was always considered an excellent draftsman when I was younger (at least by the standards of children my age), and I never lost that taste for drawing, so I decided to create social media accounts after gathering a bit of courage to post my artwork. I confess that I was afraid of getting negative comments because my artwork was “outside the quality standard” of the internet according to myself. I started by posting just a few artworks on Tumblr, but after a short period of time I switched to Twitter as my main network, as it was more popular. The idea to start posting some stories I was writing came after a while when I saw a user posting his stories and I liked the idea. I've been writing a lot since I was a kid (I didn't write well, honestly, but at least I wrote), most of the stories were of me imagining myself inside cartoons I was watching (thank god I didn't post any of this online at the time because I didn't know how to do it...). I think the best, biggest and last story I wrote at the time was one where I imagined myself as a Grunt from Pokemon's Rocket team. My character had a Meowth and the whole story (which wasn't completed) took place at the beginning of the original Pokemon and my character was the one who had to do the heavy lifting. The story had ended at the beginning of the attack on that ship arc from the first season. Returning to the main subject, my desire to become a voice actor came just for fun, I always liked acting and my voice was good (at least that's what they said at the time, right? xD).

A curiosity about my drawings is that, since I don't know how to actually draw anything on the computer and I can't finish the drawing in real life, I make the basis of the drawing on paper, take a photo, open it on the computer and start drawing over it. Because of my art style (a style that arose out of laziness), I always like to leave the original paper as a background, since without it it looks like my art is tracing (a lot of it still badly done xD).

Another curiosity, now about my writing, is that although I love writing NSFW and basically only write stories like that, I hate those stories with an unrealistic or ridiculous script, which although attractive, is easy for you to look at and say “That couldn't possibly happen in real life”. I prefer my stories to be as realistic as possible, to the point where some even seem like a “personal account”. In my humble opinion, the more realism and logic a novel or screenplay has, the more attractive it becomes. Of course, in some cases fantasy and imagination are fine, but not in most cases. One thing I want to make clear here is that none of the stories I write happened in real life, neither to me nor to anyone else. Also, although some of the stories contain things that aren't very “politically correct”, that doesn't mean that I support them! Many are just representations of real life, and in real life we know very well what human beings are capable of.

Finally, I would like to apologize for any grammatical errors in this text. English is not my native language and I'm using a translator for basically everything (even interacting with other people!). My favorite translator is DeepL! It's great and it's free! :)

(The bold in some words is on purpose! It's to help the reader find the topic without me having to put a title on it. It's not a formatting error!)

Page updated on 06/09/2024 ~