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The social networks on the main page are my main ones and the ones I'm most active on. But you can access all my other social networks by clicking on [ See all my accounts... ]. the animated gif next to the link to the account or page indicates that the account/page has been created more recently than others.
~ Featured pages on this website ~
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The pages listed on the main page are the ones I think you will like the most. But you can access all other pages by clicking on [ See all pages... ]. the animated gif next to the link to the account or page indicates that the account/page has been created more recently than others.
~ Strawpage! ~
I also have a Strawpage! There you can send me drawings and anonymous messages! Check it out!
Your message or drawing could appear on my Bluesky profile! Also, please don't be disrespectful!

Do you want to know about a new animated series?
(featuring me btw) If so, click here!

~ animated series by Quadrinista! ~

➤ Do you like old computers?
➤ Do you like Windows 98?
➤ If so, click here!

Looking for wallpapers for your websites?
If so, click here! or here too!
(I used these two websites to create this one!)

~ A b o u t   n i k k i s t a r n e t ~

Introduction. Well, I'm nikkistarnet, a beginner artist who likes to draw and make animations from time to time. My username “nikkistarnet” came from the combination of nikki, from Yume Nikki (a game I was playing when I had the idea of creating an account on the internet to post my drawings), with star (in the sense of celebrity) and net (short for internet), giving me something like Nikki internet star, nikkistarnet. Just a curiosity.

About me. Well, I consider myself an artist and an animator, I also write stories from time to time and I have plans to also become a voice actor and a programmer, but each thing in its own time. At the moment I don't do any NSFW drawings or animations, but I plan to in the future, once I've learned how to make really good ones. Anyway, currently I don't have a theme, fandom or anything specific that I focus on drawing or animating, maybe a temporary focus, but they don't usually last very long.

A curiosity about me and my drawings is that I absolutely don't know how to draw base drawings on the computer, so everything I do is first done on paper, then scanned and rendered on the computer lol. I also don't have the slightest idea of anatomy, or proportion, or color theory, or practically anything technical, I just do what looks best, oh, and also everything I draw digitally is done using a mouse, since for now I think a graphics tablet is a waste of money.

English is not my native language, so I apologize for some writing errors and perhaps bad pronunciation as well.

I think that's it, thank you for reading!

Page updated on 03/02/2025 [dd/mm/yyyy] ~ @nikkistarnet
Page created using the Composer tool bundled with Retrozilla.